Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

TourBuilder For Tourist Offices

Attract more tourists to your area with your own Tour app.
You can make your own Guided Tour App just by using your phone.
Simply download our Free App … walk, drive, paddle or ski the route. Stop at places of interest. Add photo's, video, text, or links.
Your Tour will be promoted on the MyGuidedTours website and made available to anyone with an Android or Apple device.

What could be easier? Well if the places of interest on your tours are known to Google Maps (ie they have a postal address) you can make a tour without even leaving your desk!
More About that Here

TourBuilder is FREE. It runs on any Android device, all iPhones and iPads.

   Get it on Google Play    Tour-Builder in the App Store

TourGuide is FREE and available for Android, iPhone and iPad. All of the tours are Free to download.

   Free Tour Guide   Tour Guide on the Play Store